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Blogger Spotlight with Toiia L. Rukuni

Toiia blogger

GPC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).

TLR: Toiia L Rukuni, Registered Representative and Financial Coach, Mommy Life Style Blogger, Author, Entrepreneur. My hobbies include reading, writing, spending time with my husband and children, writing poetry, running half marathons, photography. 

GPC: What is the name of your blog(s)?

TLR:  http://motheroftheworld.net

GPC: What’s your blog all about (i.e. genre, niche, etc.)?

TLR:  My blog is about empowering women around the world, the goal of my blog is to educate, liberate, and support women from the US, to Africa, Europe, Caribbean, and allow them to have a place to discuss parenting, career, fashion, travel, child rearing and raising issues, and living your ideal life with interviews from life, business, motherhood coaches.

GPC: What inspired your blog name?

TLR:  My blog name was inspired from a poem from my first published book of poetry Daughter of the Diaspora Freedom From Within.

GPC: When did you start blogging?

TLR:  I started blogging June 2013

GPC: Why did you start blogging?

TLR:  I started blogging from encouragement from another blogger/friend who asked me to become a contributor on her blog Empress Chronicle as a Mommy Blogger.

GPC: Is blogging your full-time job or do you work elsewhere full-time or part-time?

TLR:  I am a full time Mom, work part time as a financial associate, and blog part time

Toiia blogger

GPC: How do you balance the demands of blogging with your everyday life?

TLR:  I balance the demands of blogging with my everyday life, by staying in prayer, organized, and support of my husband and children.

GPC: What do you like about blogging?

TLR:  I like blogging because it is another vehicle to share writing, education, and learning from other bloggers.

GPC: What would you consider your biggest accomplishment to date as it pertains to your blog?

TLR: My biggest accomplishment to date is transferring from Blogger to Word Press, and my recent interview with Latham Thomas of Mama Glow.

GPC: What do you consider the biggest challenge you face blogging in your genre/niche?

TLR:  My biggest challenge is not seeing anything as a challenge, just following my passion and doing what I love.

GPC: What has been your most exciting event you have participated in or attended as a blogger?

TLR:  The most exciting event that I attended as a blogger, actually was a blogger meet up with other Atlanta bloggers. I had a chance to discuss challenges, successes, and how to move forward in blogging for the future.

GPC: What tips or tricks do you use to encourage engagement from your readers on your blog?

TLR: I encourage engagement by asking a question at the end of each post to encourage comments, searching for unique pictures that help the reader understand more visually the article that is being presented on my blog, and Pinterest is wonderful with encouraging engagement with readers.

GPC: What advice do you have for a newbie getting started with blogging?

TLR: My best advice is to “never give up,” and to connect with more seasoned bloggers.

Toiia Blogger Spotlight

GPC: What do you think is the biggest misconception about blogging?

TLR: I think the biggest misconception is that blogging can only be a hobby and not a full time job.

GPC: Who are some of blogger inspirations?

TLR:  Some of my blog inspirations are Rosetta Thurman of the Happy Black Woman Community, Bernetta Style, Mommy Week, and Joyce Brewer of Mommy Talk

GPC: Please share your blog information and any upcoming events you would like to share with our readers.

TRL:   My blog is Motheroftheworld.net, in the pipeline is an interview with Monique Brown MotorCity Moxie, discussing the Total Woman’s Summit, and an article about switching from Blogger to Word Press, and I have a book of poetry Daughter of the Diaspora Freedom from Within that can be found on Amazon.com, currently I have an autograph book giveaway going on my fan page on Face book with the same name Daughter of the Diaspora Freedom from within.  Here is where you can find my online jewelry boutique:  https://toiiasboutique.kitsylane.com



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