About Me


Who Am I

My name is Diatta Harris, MBA, MHA, PMP and I have over 17 years of work experience in Corporate America.  I am a Healthcare Information Technology professional and certified Project Manager.  I attended Florida A&M University undergrad and majored in Business Administration.  I then attended Georgia State University and earned my MBA and Master of Healthcare Administration degrees.

From there I began my career in the late 90’s and got started on a rocky path.  One of my first positions ended up being not so spectacular and not paying much considering I had two advanced degrees and some work experience.  I moved around every year or so in search of the money and remained dissatisfied with compensation and my role in the organization.

One day I came in to work at my less than spectacular job and received notice I was to be laid off.  It was the BEST THING that ever happened to me.  It allowed me to search for the right position and opportunity for me.  Since that major turning point in my career, my professional career has grown by leaps and bounds in salary, promotion and level of responsibility.

I believe the reason for this is multi-fold and did not all simply lie with me.  I have learned some “tricks of the trade” that I feel is too good to keep to myself.  I have found these activities are some of the cornerstone of my success and bottom line – someone helped and taught me so I want to pay it forward and help others.  Thus, this blog was born!

GuideStar Professional Connection is a network of professionals sharing career advice, ideas and  victories among other professionals.  This blog is perfect for recent college and grad school graduates, seasoned job seekers in search of a new opportunity and anyone returning to the job market but need assistance to make the best presentation to potential employers.

Whether it pertains to job interviews, negotiating salary and benefits,  or how to make the best impression with a new boss from day 1 on the job – it’s this blog’s mission to be your resource for relevant and useful career information.

We also want to hear from you so please submit any career questions (click on the Submit Career Advice Questions Here in the main menu) you have and we will post our response right here on this blog.  We will not reveal the identity of any of the submitters so feel free to ask any question you have – NO question is a dumb question.  If you are asking the question, chances are others had the same question.

If you would like to see a particular topic discussed on this career blog site let me know by contacting me at [email protected] and we will feature it right here if deemed relevant.

Last but not least – we can’t grow this blog without YOUR help so please share with your friends, family and strangers you know are in search of career advice, motivation, and guidance.  We are here to help YOU!!

Thank you for stopping by and please continue to visit on a regular basis.  Cheers!

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